S. Wright
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The blessedness of them that die in the faith and work of their Lord. A sermon occasion'd by the death of the late Reverend Mr. James Coningham, A.M. ... people, September 9th, 1716. By S. Wright.
A sermon preach'd at Black-Fryars; on occasion of the publick thanksgiving, November 22d, 1709. By S. Wright.
Death abolished by our Saviour: who hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Reverend ... Samuel Wright, D.D. ... The second edition.
Scripture and tradition considered: in a sermon on Ephes. ii. 20. preached at Salters-Hall, February 6, 1734-5. With enlargements. By Samuel Wright, D.D. The fourth edition.
A treatise of that being born again without which no man can be saved. Also, A discourse on the duty and advantage of singular piety. And some ... of this treatise The thirteenth edition.
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